Dr G H Thanki - Corrosion Expert
About Us

Corrosion & Coatings Consultants

We are a team of specialized consultants that provides expert services related to corrosion control, surface protection, and coating solutions. We offer a range of consulting services to industries such as chemicals, petro-chemicals, oil and gas, infrastructure, marine, manufacturing, and more. Our primary goal is to assist clients in understanding, preventing, and mitigating corrosion-related problems through the corrosion management strategies and application of protective coatings.

We provide solutions based on your needs. Our cyclic approach to the solution feeds you optimized data to reduce downtime, protect your assets and increase efficiency.

Corrosion & Coatings

As Corrosion & Coatings experts, we provide on stop solution to any sectors.

Our expert team will help you.

We are professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of corrosion prevention, control, and mitigation. We play a crucial role in industries where corrosion can cause significant damage to infrastructure, equipment, and assets, such as oil and gas, transportation, marine and manufacturing.

Contact us

Contact us for an Expert Assistance

Our professionals are skilled in assessing corrosion risks, conducting corrosion inspections and testing, and developing strategies to prevent or mitigate corrosion damage.

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    Our team is eager to help your organization, let’s talk…

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    Corrosion Consultants

    At Sheth Corrosion and Coatings, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. Here are some testimonials from our valued clients who have experienced the impact of our corrosion consultancy services firsthand

    Case Studies

    Corrosion Monitoring & Control

    Welcome to the case studies section. Here, we showcase real-world examples of how our corrosion and coating consultancy services have made a significant impact on various projects across different industries. These case studies highlight our expertise, innovative solutions, and commitment to delivering results for our clients.


    Learn more from our latest news.

    Welcome to our blog where we delve into the world of corrosion consultancy, a vital yet often overlooked profession in industries where materials integrity is paramount. Corrosion, the silent adversary eating away at structures and equipment, poses significant challenges across various sectors.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)